Bitsa Card - Blog | With BITSA you can now enjoy transfers between cards

With BITSA you can now enjoy transfers between cards

In the Bitsa App we have released two new updates that will now allow you to enjoy two new features:

  • Send money from your BITSA to another BITSA instantly.
  • TOP-UP your BITSA card from another Visa or Mastercard card.

Today we take the opportunity to show you how these new features work and we will explain step by step how to make transfers between cards.


Transfers between cards: now you can send money from your BITSA to another BITSA card  instantly


The transfer between two BITSA cards is the easiest and most instantaneous way to send money and top up a Bitsa card.

If you have two BITSA cards or need to send money to a friend, to your family, or your partner who owns a Bitsa, now you can do it instantly from the same BITSA App.

Here we explain how it works:


  1. Just access the BITSA App and choose the card you want to top up (virtual or plastic), in case you own more than one;

2. Once you access your card, press the SEND button at the top of the menu;

3. When you click on this button, you will access a new screen where you’ll find several options for sending money:

  • To a SEPA account
  • To a Bitsa Card.

Choose the option: Bitsa card and a new screen will come up  with a form, where you will have to insert the data that is needed to proceed with transfer of money to another Bitsa:

  • CARD ID, which is the identification number of the Bitsa card you want to send the money to.

This information can be found on the front of the physical Bitsa card or, for the virtual one, on the card data that you can find on the App’s Home page.


Plastic BITSA Card ID


Virtual BITSA Card ID


  • AMOUNT you want to send.
  • CONCEPT  of the transfer.


4. By clicking on the CONTINUE button, you will be shown a summary of your transfer, so that you can review the inserted data before confirming the transfer.


When you click CONFIRM, your transfer of money to another Bitsa will be done instantly and you will receive a confirmation of the sending in the same App.



Top up and receive money in your BITSA from another card


Another very useful and demanded functionality is the one that allows you to top up your Bitsa from other debit/credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) that have enabled the 3D Secure system.

This means that you can top up your Bitsa from another card from the same Bitsa App.

Let’s see how to do it.


  1. From the Bitsa App, choose and enter the card you want to top up (if you have more Bitsa associated). In the menu of the home page, click on the TOP UP icon.

2. Another screen will open where you will find several top-up options:

  • From a debit/credit CARD;
  • With VOUCHER;

Choose the option: Card and on a new screen, you will have to insert the amount of money you want to top up into your Bitsa from another card.

3. When confirming, you will be shown a screen with a form where you will have to insert the following data:

  • E-mail;
  • Card holder name;
  • Card ID;
  • Card expiration date;
  • CVV/CVC, a 3 digit code located on the back of the card.

Once confirmed the data of the card you want to top up your Bitsa with, click on Pay and the reception of the transfer will be confirmed instantly in the same App.


How you can see, these are two very useful features when making money movements from one card to another..

And now … get ready to enjoy your online shopping without limits 😉