What to do with your cryptocurrencies? The case of the Bitcoin family

Can you imagine traveling around the world using your cryptocurrency funds? Although it still seems distant, nothing is further from reality. Didi Taihuttu and her family are proof of this. Take note of what to do with your cryptocurrencies discovering the case of the Bitcoin family.

They have visited more than 35 countries and in many of the cities visited they were able to pay about 80% of their needs directly with BTC. The Dutch family known as the “Bitcoin family” enjoy a decentralized life, traveling the world and spreading the values linked to the blockchain and cryptocurrencies sector.


Whether you have doubts about usability within the world of cryptocurrencies or if you have launched to buy your first bitcoins, or if you already have funds from several cryptocurrencies, we encourage you to discover more deeply the case of the bitcoin family.


The Bitcoin family sold everything

Didi Taihuttu, Romaine, Joli, Juna and Jessa are the members of the Bitcoin Family. They travel the world solely on cryptocurrency and maintain a minimalist lifestyle. “Many new people just come to the market for making some quick bucks” said Didi Taihuttu. However, they started by giving up all luxury and selling their belongings.


“Blockchain and crypto are providing us with the tools to get back some control and prevent that middleman (third parties) will get all the strings in their hands. I think people need to realize that this is the reason to be in crypto and not just buying a Lamborghini”.

Didi Taihuttu

After selling all their belongings and exchanging it for bitcoins, the Bitcoin family can carry out their passion for years: Traveling. [divider] In this way, this Dutch family lives a life far from all materialism and tries to raise awareness about the monetary revolution that cryptography and blockchain entails around the world.

In addition, they are always in constant search of sponsors, volunteers and collaborating media, to help them during their adventure around the world, raising awareness about Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

On social networks they have a large community of fans who follow their adventures around the world through vlogs and interviews. Thus, everyone can see that cryptocurrencies as a payment method are much more accepted than people think. 


The Bitcoin family tries to educate people about the real fundamentals of Blockchain and Bitcoin and also teach charities about the potential of Bitcoin as a form of donation. [divider]

“People only look short-term and don’t understand how blockchain and crypto will change this world. Everybody needs to zoom out and look at it with a long term perspective and understand that it’s not just about making millions but mainly about the philosophical values of blockchain and crypto. Values like freedom, independency, transparent decentralized processes and trust”.

Didi Taihuttu


Without a doubt, they are an adventurous and technological family. We know first-hand that among the best apps for traveling that they have on their phones is the Bitsa app. Why? Keep reading!


The Bitcoin family at Bitsa!


Among the large list of cities visited, the Bitcoin Family made a stop in Spain to visit one of the Bitsa Card offices.


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During their visit they told us about their experience traveling the world and having their BTC available anytime. In addition, the oldest daughter in the family (Joli) got her first prepaid card that supports BTC as a top-up method: the Bitsa Young card ( a card for young people between 14 and 17 years old).


Regardless of their age, teens and adults who follow the example of the Bitcoin Family may encounter certain impediments in their day to day. What to do with your cryptocurrencies when BTC is not accepted as a payment method?


Top-Up Bitsa prepaid card with Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies

The Bitsa prepaid card allows to be reloaded with cryptocurrency funds. Supports up to 15 different cryptocurrencies! For this reason it is currently the best cryptocurrency card on the European market.

So you can pay at any store or ecommerce with your cryptocurrency funds automatically converted into fiat currency (euros).

Learn how to top up Bitsa with cryptocurrencies and start taking charge of your financial freedom.

Like the Bitcoin family, make your dreams come true thanks to cryptocurrencies and the prepaid card without bank accounts: Bitsa Card!